Library Competition

Advocacy or Antitrust? Competitive Engagement and Political Advocacy Under the First Amendment
Ramsin Canon, Senior Vice President & Director Legal Services, Saint Consulting Group , USA
An Effective, Practical Approach to International Competition Law Compliance
Kent Bernard, Member, Bar of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Kent Bernard, USA
Antitrust Damages Actions in Europe Pitfalls and Opportunities From a Corporation's Point of View
Peter Bergson, General Counsel & Secretary, Orc Software AB, Sweden
Antitrust Enforcement of No Poach/Wage Fixing Agreements Has Accelerated: Managers and Human Resource Professionals Should be Aware of The Enhanced Criminal Penalties for These Types of Agreements
R. Mark McCareins, General Counsel, Metals Service Center Institute, USA
Antitrust Matters in Takeovers!!
Kishore Vaangal, PhD, Strategic Entrepreneur, Governance Professional and Ethicist, Ram Ram, India
Battle for a Reputed Brand, Legitimate Competition or Free-Riding?
Teresa Laimio, Senior Legal Counsel, Valio Ltd, Finland
Blocking Effect of the Blocking Act?
Anagha Tendulkar, Patent In- house counsel, Cipla, India
Broadening the Shield: Evolution and Expansion of Press Note 3
Aishwarya Gupta, Associate, J. Sagar Associates, India
Pallavi Puri, Partner, J. Sagar Associates, India
Dhananjay Shahi, Head – Corporate Legal, Bharti Enterprises Ltd., India
Can Structural Separation be Imposed Under the UK’s Competition and Telecoms Regulatory Framework?
Beatrice Roxburgh, Tutor, The University of Law, UK
Cartel Enforcement in Ireland since the Downturn
Eoghan Ó hArgáin, Case Officer/Solicitor, Ireland's Competition Authority, Ireland
Cartel Indicators
Rahat Hassan, Member (Legal), The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP), Pakistan
Challenges of Antitrust Compliance for Global Companies
Jean-Yves Trochon, Group Deputy General Counsel, Lafarge Mep, France
Claims for Damages Against Antitrust Infringements Under French Law
Ouahida Bendjedou, Senior Legal Counsel, Bouygues Construction, France
Collective Management Organisations (CMOs) at the Intersection Between EU Competition Law and the Freedom to Provide Services
Anita Huss-Ekerhult, Deputy Secretary General and General Counsel, International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations, Belgium
Competence and powers of the Czech Antimonopoly Office - de lege lata and de lege ferenda
Miroslav Uricar, General Legal Counsel, T-Mobile, Czech Republic
Competition Law – Recent Developments and Practical Guidance for In-house Counsel
Tobias Caspary, Partner, Fried Frank LLP, UK
Lee Callaghan, Group Competition Counsel, General Counsel International Markets, Aviva Plc, UK
Competition Law and Policy in Pakistan
Rahat Hassan, Member (Legal), The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP), Pakistan
Competition Law and the European Financial Services Sector: An Overview of Recent Developments
Phoebus Athanassiou, Legal Counsel, European Central Bank, Germany
Competition Law Compliance in a Socially Distanced World
Ian Rose, VP Compliance, Volvo Trucks, Sweden
Competition Law, Big Data and Privacy
Maria Wasastjerna, Senior Legal Counsel Competition Law, Nokia Corporation, Finland
Competition Law, Policy & Regulation – Digital Age
Vijayalakshmi Natarajan, Senior Director, Legal, India & Asia Pacific, Harman International Industries, Incorporated, India
Competition Law: Recent Developments and Practical Guidance for In-house Counsel
Helen Nicklin, Counsel, Virgin Media, UK
Tobias Caspary, Partner, Fried Frank, UK
Conducting Competition Law Training In-house
Lalita Bajwa, Retired In-House Counsel, Shell, Singapore
Different Approaches to Pricing and Reimbursement of Innovative Pharmaceutical Products in Europe
Renato Dellamano, President, Value Vector, Italy
Renato Dellamano, President, Value Vector, Italy
Different Methods of 'Dominating the Market'
Yury Bochenkov, Head of Legal Department, Orange Business Services, Russia
E-Commerce. Nearly a year with the EU Geo-blocking Regulation
Ivan Lebedev, Legal Counsel EMEA, Acer European Holdings SA, Switzerland
Enforcement of Competition Rules in the Middle East
Omar Obeidat, Partner, Head of IP & Competition, Al Tamimi & Company, UAE
Moutaz Abdullat, General Counsel, Fererro , UAE
EU Merger Control Procedure – A Brief Overview
Thomas Wiese, Case Handler, Directorate-General of Competition of the European Commission, Unit C-5 Mergers, Belgium
Fair Competition Law - Restoring Justice to its Rightful Station
Silvio Meli, President, Commission for Fair Trading, Malta
Horizontal Competitor Contact: 'Don't call us and we won't call you'
Lee Callaghan, Senior Corporate Lawyer, Aviva Plc, UK
Interim measures in the UK: Lessons From the Online Auction Platform Case
Simon Chisholm, Vice President, Charles River Associates, UK
Sarah Long, Partner, Euclid Law, UK
Helen Parker, Chief Executive, UKAuctioneers Group, UK
Keeping Competition Law Compliance Fresh in a VUCA World
Julia Kelley, Vice President, Legal & Compliance, AB Volvo Penta, Sweden
Ian Rose, VP Compliance, Volvo Trucks, Sweden
Letter on the European Commission's Legislative Package on Interchange Fees in Credit Card payments [COM(2013) 550-2013/0265 (COD)]
Roland Paschek, Head of Legal, Lufthansa AirPlus Servicekarten GmbH, Germany
Meeting the Challenges of European Union Anti-trust Compliance with Technical Innovation
David Kemp, Executive Director of Legal Policy, Autonomy Corporation plc, UK
Non-Price Discrimination in the Greek Wholesale Electronic Communications Market – The Decision of the Greek NRA and Competition Authority (EETT)
Xanthi Bitzidou, Lawyer, E.E.T.T, Greece
One Lawyer, Many Clients: Legal Representation of Parties with Conflicting Interests
Noreen Mackey, Legal Adviser, Ireland's Competition Authority, Ireland
Overview of Ofcom's Recent Decision Requiring Sky to Wholesale its Premium Sports Channels to Competing Retail Operators in the UK
Ciaran Walker, Fomerly Senior Competition Counsel, BT Group plc, UK
Parental Liability in EU Competition Law - A Fair Presumption?
Maria Troberg, Senior Legal Counsel, Competition, Nokia, Finland
Payback Time: Trump and EU’s “Exorbitant” Fines vs US Tech Companies
Roy Girasa, Professor of Law, Pace University, USA
Practical Aspects of Protection of Collective Consumer Interests – Overview of Measures Applied by the Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
Marek Niechcial, President, Poland's Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, Poland
Predictably Mistaken: The FCA and the use of economics, psychology and consumer bias in their new role of promoting competition in the interests of consumers in financial services in the UK in 2014
Lee Callaghan, General Counsel, International Markets (Europe and Asia) and Group Competition Law General Counsel, Aviva Plc, UK
Product Distribution Challenge Recently Addressed bySeventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Landmark Decision Under the Robinson-Patman Act *
Mark McCareins, General Counsel, Metals Service Center Institute, USA
Reading Between the Lines: Competitive Intelligence Through EDGAR Filings
Russell Boltwood, EVP/General Counsel, Transpacific IP Management Group Pte., Ltd., Singapore
Recent Developments in Austrian Antitrust Regulations The Austrian Merger Clearance Regime in 2022 – an up-to-date overview
Sarah Kasslatter, Associate, Graf Isola, Austria
Andreas Edlinger, Attorney at Law, Graf Isola, Austria
Robert Gulla, General Counsel, Lukoil, Austria
Ferdinand Graf, Partner, Graf Isola, Austria
Smart v ComReg (2006): Lessons Learnt from Successfully Defending Private and Public Law Proceedings
Mark Hughes, Legal Advisor, Commission for Communications Regulation, Ireland
Striking the Right Balance Between Co-Operation and Competition: Several Antitrust Pitfalls in R&D Alliances and Other Strategic Partnerships
Iohann Le Frapper, General Counsel Networks Group, Alcatel, France
Study of an Exemption Request Presented by The Jordanian Company for Unified Reservations Ltd. 'JETT Company, Alpha Company Aad Petra Company'
Hussein Al-Hamadani, Competition Directorate Director, Competition Directorate, Jordan, Jordan
Subsidy Control and Higher Education – Briefing Note
Sarah Ward, Partner, Walker Morris, UK
Rosemary Boyle, Senior Commercial Lawyer, University of Cambridge, UK
'thank you for your co-operation': A practical perspective on managing dawn raids and regulatory investigations
Frank Govaerts, General Counsel, European Group of Coca-Cola Enterprises, Belgium
The AstraZeneca Competition Case: Patent Strategies Constituting Abuse of Dominance
Bart Goddyn, Legal Counsel, TiGenix through GODDYN BVBA, Belgium
The Case Handling Process of Korea Fair Trade Commission
Joong-weon Jeong, Officer for general committee management General Counsel, Korean Fair Trade Commission, South Korea
The Certain Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in Pharmaceutical Industries Relating the Antitrust and IPR Rules of the EU acquis communautaire
Mirna Pavletic-Zupic, Member, Croatian Competition Council, Croatian Competition Agency, Croatia
The changing nature of the decision-making activity of the European Court of Justice and the regulatory approach of the European Commission in the field of telecommunications regulation
Alice Selby, Senior Regulatory Counsel, T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., Czech Republic
The CMA and FCA. What do we think of it so far?
Lee Callaghan, General Counsel International Markets. Group Competition Counsel, Aviva Plc, UK
The Competition (Amendment) Act, 2023 and its Impact on Inter-Corporate Deliberations
Sreyasi Banerjee, Associate Manager - Legal Counsel, GMR Group, India
Nupur Nadir, Head - Legal, GEPL, GMR Group, India
The Competition Act of Malaysia
Rozita Mohd Yusoff, Senior Legal Counsel, Maybank, Malaysia
Nazlan Ghazali, General Counsel & Company Secretary, Maybank, Malaysia
The Era of Compliance in China
Guangdong Cheng, General Counsel, Nanshan Group, China
The Future of the Insurance Block Exemption Regulation - or How Special is the Insurance Sector?
Jeanine Bartmann, Group Legal Services, Allianz SE, Germany
The Impact of the New Vertical Block Exemption Regulation in the Fashion and Luxury Sector
Luca Chiama, Group Legal Director, Prada, Italy
Francesco Carloni, Partner, K&L GATES, Belgium
The Infrastructure Sharing's Regulation as a Competition Fostering Factor in the Telecommunications Market Worldwide
Evandro Monteiro, In-House Counsel, American Tower Corporation, Brazil
The New Croatian Competition Act (2003) as an Instrument for Achieving Greater Economic Development through the Liberalization of the Market Access
Mirna Pavletic-Zupic, , Croatian Competition Agency, Croatia
The New Financial Reform and Competition Laws in Colombia: Key Points for Bank In-House Counsel
Antonio Núñez, Country Legal and Compliance Head, Citibank, Colombia
The New Law on Competition in Croatia (2009)
Mirna Pavletic-Zupic, Member of the Croatian Competition Council, Croatian Competition Agency (CCA), Croatia
The Resale Price Maintenance (and Minimum Advertised Price) Conundrum Post-Leegin: State and Federal Law at a Crossroads
Mark McCareins, General Counsel, Metals Service Center Institute, USA
The Role of Competition in the Construction of the EU Internal Energy Market From the Prism of the Power Exchange
Zohra Boumedhel, Head of Legal Affairs, EPEX SPOT, France
Antoine Donne, Legal Counsel, EPEX SPOT, France
The Role of 'Unbundling' in the Electricity Sector
Matteo Grassani, Head of Legal Department, Endesa, Italy
The War on International Cartels: Traps for the Unwary
Casee Sills, Legal Associate, The Main Street America Group, USA
Bruce Fox, VP, General Counsel & Secretary, The Main Street America Group, USA
Transparency and Fair Competition of Procurement.
Yulianna Vertinskaya, Legal Counsel, Alstom Russia, Russia
Waiting for Convergence: Global Competition Law Counseling In a Changing World
Millie Calhoun, Senior Attorney, Antitrust and Trade Regulation, BP America Inc, USA
What Every In-House Lawyer Needs to Know About a UK Competition Commission Inquiry Before it Starts - 10 Suggestions to Help you Manage the Process.
Lee Callaghan, Group Competition Counsel, Aviva Plc, UK
What Extraterritorial Application of Competition Law Means for MNCs
Michael Ristaniemi, Legal Counsel, Metsä Group, Finland
What You Need to Know about the United States International Trade Commission, Unfair Competition, and Protection of Intellectual Property
Valerie K. Barker, M.S., J.D, University of Virginia School of Law, Class of 2013, , USA
Why the Silence on Vertical Price Restraints?
R. MarK McCareins, General Counsel, Metals Service Center Institute, USA
Will New York’s Indexed Payments for Tier 1 Renewable Energy Credits (“IRECs”) Hurt It’s Voluntary Corporate and Industrial (“C&I”) Renewable Energy Market?
Kingsley Osei, Lead Project Counsel, State University of New York, USA